Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jay Bilas on Preparation

Chapter 2 of Jay Bilas' Toughness is all about preparation. The book I'm currently reading The Power of Negative Thinking by Bob Knight also talks a lot about the importance of preparation. Not everything in the chapter is about preparation. Throughout the book and in each chapter, Jay Bilas always adds his thoughts on different topics. 

Here are some of my favorite thoughts and quotes from the chapter:

"Instead of "getting through” a workout, players to need “get from” a workout – to get the most from it and the most from themselves."

"If my preparation is up to a standard of excellence, I am more likely to reach my highest level of execution. How can I possibly expect to be excellent if my preparation is not up to the level of excellence?"

"I suppose preparation can be seen as an obligation, but I don’t view it that way – at least not anymore. I want to prepare , and I have come to really enjoy the preparation and enjoy the process."

"Nothing is different in my preparation and execution when the stakes are bigger to outsiders. No rung on that ladder is more or less important than any other."

"Preparation is multifaceted. It is about hard work, but it also about concentration, in planning and execution, and it is about how you frame things in your mind. The toughest people stay in the present and concentrate fully on what is in front of them." 

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